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This year, 我们的小组与威斯敏斯特高中(WHS)的高年级学生进行了近乎同伴的指导,讨论他们向大学和STEM特定领域的过渡. WHS有一个项目,旨在帮助对STEM领域感兴趣的学生过渡到这些领域. 我们的近同龄人指导(包括年龄相近的人之间的指导)小组与这个项目合作,以便在一名本科生或研究生与4-5名高中生之间进行每周一次的Zoom会议.

该伙伴关系的一些主要目标是:1)建立在近同伴指导的基础上,以提高STEM兴趣, 高中学生在STEM大学专业的准备和成功, particularly those from historically underrepresented backgrounds; 2) provide DU STEM undergraduates a mentoring learning and leadership opportunity such that they could share their experiences in a low-stakes, constructive, curated environment; 3) provide the WHS biomedical sciences students a low stakes learning and engagement mentorship opportunity that integrates with their coursework and career development discussions; and 4) an opportunity for both the DU and WHS students to learn from each other. This year specifically, 我们的团队致力于在Zoom环境中增加导师和学员之间的参与和互动,以最大限度地实现前面提到的目标.